Leadership Lessons from Nature
A series of online workshops exploring examples from nature
that can help us to be better leaders

Understand Your Ecosystem
Thursday 1st May 10-11am
Nature is a complex collection of interconnected, interdependent systems, where every factor depends on every other factor, either directly or indirectly. As leaders, how can we make use of our own ecosystem to generate positive change in our workplaces and the world around us?

Work at the Edges
Friday 20th June 2-3pm
The space where different natural habitats meet is known as an “ecotone” and is home to a greater diversity and density of species, known as the “edge effect”. As leaders, how can we harness the Edge Effect to encourage and engage more diverse perspectives and approaches?

Be Symbiotic Like Lichen
Tuesday 23rd September 10-11am
Lichen is made up of two distinct separate organisms, both of which both are necessary for its survival. This symbiosis makes it a pioneer organism which can colonise and thrive in the most extreme environments. How can we develop symbiotic relationships that enable us to thrive as leaders in a challenging world?

Listen like a Tree Frog
Friday 24th October 10-11am
Female tree frogs use their lungs as a noise cancellation filter to enhance the audibility of calls from their own species and suppress the sounds from other species in the cacophony of mating season calls. What can they teach us as leaders about avoiding information overload by filtering "noise"?

Adapt like a Ptarmigan
Tuesday 18th November 10-11am
Ptarmigans change colour in order to stay camouflaged as weather conditions change. As leaders, what can we learn from them about adapting to changing conditions and how can we ensure that we are agile enough to adapt whilst staying true to ourselves?
COST: £30 per workshop (free for members of the Leading For Good Collective).
There are a maximum of 20 places per workshop so book now to be sure of your place.